Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Hockey Night in Canada"

I forgot to take a picture of this without frame. It works so much better when i do. 
This is one of my entries in the "Oh Canada" show this weekend at the 
Ruberto Ostberg, Galleries in Calgary. 
It is what i feel represents Canada and that is a good old fashioned street 
hockey game on your typical street anywhere in rural Canada. 
This scene is based on "Victoria Street" in Nelson B.C. 
I love to do the villages and will often rely on my sketchbook 
for inspiration. Sometimes summers are spent wandering and sketching. 
This is watercolour on my Arches paper. 


  1. Your choice of framing sets off your great painting so well Ross

    1. Thank you Lorraine! I read on someone's blog somewhere they used silver for frames because it compliments both warm and cool colours! I thought i might try it with this one and it does work! I have mostly used black until now because i felt it to be safe and classic. The silver does work much better though a tad more expensive i feel it to be worth it. Thank you for you great comment. Always appreciated.

  2. Wow, this is so full of hockey energy and the innocence of youth playing street hockey. Even the dog looks like it is enjoying the gathering. Have you ever considered writing a story to accompany your villages? It looks like there could be a lot of stories coming from each of the houses and children! The colours make winter look so joyful! Well done, once again. Congrats!

    1. Renee thank you for your input which i really appreciate. Just the other day i had thought of the stories behind these and what might be. It would be fun to make up a story to go along with them. When i paint them i am planning on which house i would live in and who my neighbours might be. That would be fun. Stay tuned! Perhaps i will give that a go.
