Sunday, April 21, 2013

"Bonhomme Deneige"

A wee watercolour, approximately 15 X 22. My but it has been a long while since last i posted. Got busy with preparations for an exhibition in March and time goes by. Had a successful show with some acrylics even. New directions ahead! Must build a website i think. Try new things and continue exploring. There is not enough time in this old life to learn all there is to learn about watercolour or to experience all the wonderful things possible with this most beautiful of mediums. Acrylics are fun but watercolour is a passion. Or an obsession! Both i suppose. Hope all are well there in blogger land.


  1. Ross, I was just wondering about you yesterday, and you posted today! Your painting makes the snow look like cotton candy and fun, sunny and even warm! Nothing at all like the snow and the days we have had in Alberta!

    1. Thank you Renee. I thought there was a nudging to get back to the blog. Yes, i would love for spring to come. Perhaps i might paint a spring painting. At least it might be warm. :)

  2. Hi Ross. It's good to see you back. Your wee painting looks like a village from a fairy tale.
    And I feel the same way about watercolour.

    1. Nice to be back Kathryn. i am at the Studio now trying to get busy but no inspiration as yet. Guess i will have to play with those watercolours! Something is sure to happen. :)

  3. So good to see you here Ross, Your paintings are always wonderful and it goes without my saying how talented you are.
    I have taken a back seat , sort of , but a 2 month trip out West is taking priorities.
    I'll bring along my supplies.. you know we 'can;t leave home with out it." LOL !!
    all my best, Barbra Joan.

    1. Barbara, sorry to be absent for so long. So nice to see you here. Hope you will be in the front seat again soon. Have a wonderful trip to the West and may you have lots of doodling time. :)

  4. A fun whimsical painting Ross, understand fully the love affair with watercolour, I too have been playing with acrylic these past few days for a 3 painting commission for my son but I cannot wait to get back to my first love

    1. Hello Lorraine. Glad to hear you are trying the acrylics. They are fun and quite liberating actually. I have quite a few canvases now waiting have paint on them but just cannot tear myself away from the watercolours. Yupo paper is my latest distraction. Having a good time with that. Will have to pop by your blog and see what you have been up to.

  5. Lovely to see you post again, I love the surreal quality of this painting. Look forward to seeing all your works together on your website soon!

  6. I like the work surreal. Thank you for your comment Padmaja. Always nice to see you and will have to have a look at what you are creating just now. Happy painting!

  7. Fabulous painting to return with, Ross. Love the sheer happiness that exudes from your work. xx

    1. Thanks Pat. It is always a delight to see you here. Congratulations too by the way on your upcoming novel. Well done!

  8. Looks like you enjoyed painting this pic. I love it. Is that you with the jolly hockey stick

    1. Hi polly. I did enjoy this as with all the little villages. They are just plain fun to put together. I never played hockey but always wanted to. I am most likely the one on the toboggan. The dog is mine though! :)
